Skyrocket Your List
with 100+ Lead Magnet Ideas 🚀
(No more stressing
or guessing what to create)
You're probably aware that having a lead magnet on your website increases conversions.
Well, according to the folks at Wordpress Forms, it's 50 PERCENT HIGHER!
But, ... it can't be just ANY lead magnet!
Marketing expert, Amy Porterfield says, .....
"If your lead magnet is something that your ideal customer:
then, it's NOT a profit-driven lead magnet."
This resource can help!
⭐️ Introducing ⭐️

PDF TO PEOPLE™ is a FREE PDF checklist that's going to give you over 100 lead magnet ideas to GROW your email list.
Remember, to incentivize someone to join your list, your lead magnet must ...
- Solve a nagging problem ~ if your lead magnet doesn’t solve a real problem, then it's pointless
- Be super quick to digest ~ PDF checklists, eBooks and swipe files have a high rate of conversion
- Must be perceived to be high in value in order to build trust
- Instantly downloadable ~ Readers love instant gratification
- Demonstrate your ability to help them as the expert
Have a look 🔎
This FREE checklist is available as a PDF download right NOW.
If you upload it to a PDF organizer like:
- GoodNotes,
- Notability or
- Noteshelf
then, you can write on the pages with
a stylus pen and flip them like you
would a book!
You can also move throughout
the workbook at lightening speed. ⚡️
You won't believe
how much fun this is! 👀
💥 All apps are available
from the App Store for under $10.00.
Imagine, how it will feel when ...
✔️ You can see your list growing
✔️ You have a loyal group of followers that look forward to hearing from you, and
✔️ Your sales are steadily increasing!
Hi, I'm Valerie,
I love learning and improving my life and my circumstances, don't you?
- When I realized recently that the lead magnet I had was not converting, I had to come come up with a better offer.
- That's when the idea came about for the PDF TO PEOPLE™ checklist.
- I needed a guidebook from which to brainstorm my approach.
- I researched and read everything I could find about the most attractive lead magnets and included them in this list.
- I hope this resource helps you too!
Here are a few answers that may help you ... 🙂